Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Checkpoint - 4 miles

Tonight I rode 2 miles straight. Again I had the bike's resistance set at 10, but this time I kept the speed between 10 and 11 miles per hour. I had no problems as far was breathing, getting hot or anything like that. I probably would have pushed myself to try for a third mile if I hadn't developed a stitch in my upper right thigh near the end of the second mile. The stitch eased up almost instantly once I stopped riding. I should probably start stretching or something before and after I ride.

I'm still in Yorktown, but there's only 9.10 miles to go before I'm in Williamsburg!

This is the 3.9 mile picture (they don't have a 4 mile picture):
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Normally I wouldn't post the map, too, but since this is only the second day I'm still a little giddy and giggly about the black line showing how far I've gone.

This is the map of how far I've gone:
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As final notes before I fall asleep watching the AFI 100 Years 100 Movies thing, I really don't expect to see any real change in weight for at least a week or more. I've set my first goal as to weigh 270 pounds by the end of July, 2007 because that should be fairly manageable without being too demanding on my joints or unrealistic. I'll be posting a weekly update on my actual weight on Saturdays. I still don't know if I want to post what I eat every day. That can get tedious, not to mention boring. And I believe that's it.

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