Monday, June 25, 2007

Checkpoint - 15 miles

I rode 2 miles earlier in the afternoon then 3 more miles tonight after dinner. This afternoon's miles were... less easy... than they should have been, but I got almost no sleep last night. Factor in the not riding Saturday or Sunday, and yeah, I was surprised I made it two miles.

Tonight's miles were fairly easy. I planned on riding two miles, but felt strong enough to go to 2.5 when I hit 2. I ended up going three miles, and even then I think I could have gone another half mile without any real damage being done. I didn't want to push myself too hard, though, since I'm adding the morning ride to my routine.

So in all, I rode 5 more miles today. I'm in Williamsburg now and have 6.13 more miles to go before I hit Jamestown.

The picture is at the 14.8 mile mark.
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