Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Stretching is good for you.

For the most part, I've never stretched. Ever. According to my mother I didn't even know how to bend until I was nearly five.

Taking that into account, it's odd that lately I've been stretching. Or maybe it's not so odd. It feels... good... to stretch. Both physically and emotionally.

I rode the bike again today. Yay me! I'm really not pushing myself other than making the effort to stay between 9.5mph and 10.5mph. It's a comfortable speed for me without being too slow. In ten minutes I can do 1.7 miles. Towards the end I do feel it burn a bit in my things and today I felt my knee start to strain just before the 1.5 mile mark. Eventually I'll progress beyond ten minutes, or I'll start making two miles in ten minutes. Either way, it will be progress and I'll know my body is ready for to try a little harder or just go a little longer.

mile check: 3.4
weight check: 273.4

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